What does Nick Love Cartoons offer? Great question, and I'm happy to explore any angle for how my cartooning can be used and to help. The following is an overview of the services I currently offer.
Event Cartooning
I'm not the kind of cartoonist that sits in the corner and waits for people to come up to me to be drawn. To be drawn should be an event, and an engaging one at that! I have a Stand up drawing board and I greet or introduce myself before I draw the person. To chat and find out about someone really brings out their character, giving me more to draw on than just a person standing still in front of me. Once done, I hand the cartoon over and (Hopefully) laugh with them at the outcome. The cartoon is a token of a moment in time, a time where they have fun with a cartoonist.
Commisson Cartooning
Need a cartoon for a Gift? or a special project that needs a little bit of fun. A custom Cartoon might be the answer. Your Mission, should you decide to except it, is to commission me today!
Draw Coaching
Ever heard of Life Coaching? Well, Imagine if a cartoonist did it. Nick Love Cartoonist has developed a Draw Coaching session(s) that can be done one on one, in Small or Large groups or as a large scale event. It's a great way for families, groups or teams to bond and draw on whats important in life.